It seems like a lifetime since 2019. Remember how optimistic the world was? The U.S. was continuing the longest bull market in its history, stocks just couldn’t stop going up, and the cellular world was going to debut all the new 5G technology in the coming months.
Then the novel coronavirus happened, and we experienced the fastest market collapse in our lifetime and are now staring down the barrel of a recession that could easily last into 2021.
And in addition to that, the major cellular companies had to slow down production of new devices and expansion of existing 5G networks.
But the thing is, while the coronavirus may have slowed down the rollout of this new generation of connectivity, it also brought into stark contrast the differences between the network we need and the network we have.
If anything, coronavirus has shown us just how urgent this new technology really is.
In the Before Times
Engineers and researchers have been working on 5G technology for years.
Speaking at MIT’s three-day virtual tech event last week, John Roese, president and CTO of products and operations at Dell Technologies, stated that 5G started because of the “belief that certain capabilities would be necessary. But it wasn’t always clear to people what those capabilities were, and why we needed them.”
5G was being developed to solve problems we didn’t even know we had but were pretty sure 5G could solve. We knew that there was a necessity to create something better. We didn’t know why, but we had that gut feeling.
It could be for connected homes, smart cities, driverless cars, augmented reality, virtual reality. It could lead us to a world like the ones we've seen in science fiction movies.
There was a lot of dreaming going on back then, but what could this great new technology be used for?
Well, it turns out that while 5G is going to be great for all those neat techy things, the real necessity driving 5G is connectivity among people, not just their devices.
The Urgent Need
The dreamers who came up with the concept of 5G and the researchers who figured out how to make the dream a reality had no idea what exactly the technology would be used for.
And they might be as surprised as anyone that the real need for 5G isn’t coming from sci-fi movie stuff like personal robotic assistants and virtual reality playgrounds.
The real need, what makes 5G urgent tech, is the need for connection among people.
Remote working, video chats, telemedicine. All of them are near impossible without a fast connection to the internet, and much of our country doesn’t have that.
There’s a massive divide in the country, and it’s not racial or political: It’s about access to connectivity. If you live in a city or near a densely populated area, chances are, you’ve got a pretty fast connection.
You should have access to cable connections or even fiber optics, but you might be surprised that the majority of the country still relies on dial-up internet. You know, the one where you could hear the two computers “talking” over the phone line.
And many of those folks with dial-up connections still don’t even have access to 4G cellular connections, meaning they can’t send data over the airwaves, just text messages and phone calls.
So that means they don’t have access to video conferencing or telemedicine, and they’re struggling just to stay productive while working from home.
There’s definitely an urgent need for nationwide 5G coverage. And with the help of one small, practically unknown company, the three major carriers in the U.S. —T-Mobile, Verizon, and AT&T – promise to have their networks up and running by the end of this year.
The Early Days
We’re still in the early days of the 5G revolution. Carriers are still trying to get their nationwide networks up and running here in the U.S. They’ve got coverage in a handful of cities, but it’s not widespread yet.
And the main reason for the holdup is that 5G requires something previous generations of wireless tech didn’t: physical connection to the internet.
All of the devices that will be running on this network are going to create more data than you or I can possibly imagine. And although data is digital, it still requires storage space.
Those data warehouses come in the form of server centers. Most of the big tech companies like Google, Amazon, and Apple have their own server farms, and others rent space to store their (and their users’) data. The image below is just one row of racks at a new server farm outside Atlanta.
And the only way to get anything in or out of a server center is via a fiber optic connection. It’s the only physical connection that can move that amount of data at the high speeds needed.
The carriers are racing with each other to get access to networks of fiber optic cables so that they can connect their 5G antenna and get their own networks operational.
And one small company that’s the proud owner of the biggest fiber network in the U.S. is reaping all the benefits.
The 5G Toll Collector
You see, 5G is going to be like an information superhighway. And in order to drive on the highway, you usually have to pay a toll.
Well, when it’s actual roads, those tolls are collected by the cities and states that maintain them (except in California where some highways are privately owned). But when you’re talking about the information superhighway that 5G will be, those tolls go to the owner of the fiber networks they’re built on.
The 5G Revolution Is Here
After years of hype about mobile speeds that let you download full-length movies in mere seconds, 5G is finally here. This means we now have an investment opportunity that I've been talking about for two years right in front of us.
Watch Now to find out which 5G stocks you should have on your radar.
I’ve identified a small, practically unknown company that owns a fiber network so large that it's actually bigger than that of all its largest competitors’ networks combined:

Because the carriers and competitors know how crucial this company’s network is to their future success, they’re falling all over each other to sign deals to pay “tolls” so they can get online, too.
All three of the major U.S. carriers have multimillion-dollar deals in place, and state and federal government agencies are paying “tolls” to get on the network, too.
All told, this company has over 22,000 customer connections that charge a “toll” for access, and those payments really add up to a lot of money. I’m talking about over $1 BILLION in 2019, and that number is only going to grow a lot bigger by the end of 2020. And that's going to make the share price absolutely shoot through the roof.
Your Chance to Get in at the Ground Floor
More and more investors have taken notice of this little company that has big tech by the you-know-whats. You can tell because its share price has nearly doubled since mid-April.
But it’s still WAY too cheap for all the value packed into its massive network. This company’s stock is still trading for less than $10 as I type this article. But, as you can tell from the growth since April, it’s picking up steam, and very fast.
So, if you want a chance to collect a share of the 5G “tolls” companies are paying to get on the network, if you want an opportunity to watch your shares climb from under $10 to over $60…
You need to see this presentation.
In it, you’ll learn all of the details about the company and why its network is so critical to 5G. You’ll hear from other investors who’ve turned their financial fortunes around, and you’ll find out how you can get in on the ground floor before this stock soars into the stratosphere.
Just click here, and you’ll be directed to the presentation and all the information you’ll need.
Or, if you prefer to read some more, you can access a report with all the same details by clicking here.
Both the presentation and the report will help you get set up for massive profits because both contain the same information. So, it doesn’t really matter how you get the info, just that you get it. Both the presentation and the report will help you get set up for massive profits because both contain the same information.
But what does matter is that you act quickly.
With every day that passes, more investors find out about the potential behind this stock. And with every new bullish investor, the price heads up a little higher.
That means, if you don’t want to get cut out of any more profits and 5G “tolls,” you need to make your move today.
To your wealth!