Wall Street legend who broke two major stories on 60 Minutes
blows the lid off an inevitable disruption.
With the United States committing $369 billion, companies like Google, Tesla, and Apple are scrambling to position themselves ahead of a $28 trillion global reset. This could be your next – and possibly LAST– chance to see as much as 50X gain
Hi, I'm Whitney Tilson, former hedge fund manager and the founder and CEO of Empire Financial Research.
Today I'm going to tell you about an opportunity that could completely alter your views about technology, energy, finance, and infrastructure…
Now, I know what you might be thinking…
With inflation at its highest levels in 40 years…
With a recession digging its claws into our finances…
And with the average American spending an extra $450 every month just to get by…
Now might not seem like the right time to talk about a new investment opportunity… even if it’s bigger than the internet.
Watch the full presentation here
But here's the thing.
If I wait 18 months or two years until the recession is over, the biggest gains from this investment opportunity might be behind us…
If there's anything I've learned in my 20 years of investing… it's that opportunities don't wait for investors… investors wait for opportunities.
Those of you who follow my work may know that I bought Amazon and Apple before they were the trillion-dollar, super-popular FAANG stocks they are today.
What you might not know is that I bought all of them just before – or even during – severe market crashes.
When I bought Amazon in 1999, the dot-com bubble had started to show signs that it was about to burst.
I even predicted the dot-com collapse in early 2000, the very year I bought Apple for a split-adjusted 35 cents a share.
But it didn't matter that we were in the midst of a bear market.
Since then, Amazon has grown as high as a whopping 64,024%…

And Apple has skyrocketed over 50,000%.

I also recommended Ross (7,968% gains), AutoZone (8,311% gains), and Tractor Supply (29,973% gains) just before – or during – market crashes.

And that's just to name a few.
You see, despite the bearish market situation, all of these companies were perfectly positioned to take advantage of huge, inevitable trends…
Trends that gave ordinary people multiple chances to get filthy rich.
AOL is another example.
Watch the full presentation here
Back in the mid-90s, the internet trend was just starting… so I put all of my wife's retirement savings, a good $20,000, into the stock. I ended up making $100,000 in less than a year.

More recently (2019), I called the electric vehicles (EV) trend early enough so ordinary folks could potentially maximize their gains.
Since the time I started pounding the table on this massive trend, Tesla shot up by more than 1,200%.

And shares of BYD, which were plummeting for close to two years, skyrocketed by more than 815% in the next two years.

I even mentioned how Ford – a company many considered over the hill – was getting into the EV space.
And guess what? Since then, Ford has soared by 494%.

Enough to turn $10,000 into $59,400 in less than two years.
Of course, if you've been following my research and my articles… you already probably know all of this.
But I have one huge reason for recounting it…
Today we are on the cusp of a once-in-a-century breakthrough that will not only have a bigger global footprint than the internet…
But it will be crucial to 5G, AI, Quantum Computing, Blockchain, Augmented Reality… and almost every other modern technology you can think of…
Over the course of the next few minutes, I'm going to show you how this breakthrough is about to deliver a knockout punch to a $3.4 trillion industry and completely disrupt $100 trillion in global assets.
I expect this trend could create one of the biggest wealth-building opportunities since the start of the internet…
And dozens of companies could double… triple… even soar 10X in value.
Now, just so we're clear, this is not a futuristic prediction.
This disruption has already started, right here in America.
I'll give you all the proof. And you can fact check every single detail in the disclosures section.
I promise you… by the end of this presentation…
- You'll have a clear picture of what the future could look like.
- You'll see how this breakthrough could help you put anywhere between $1,050 and $2,585 back in your pocket. Every year. Without buying a single stock or option.
- You'll understand why the biggest companies like Google, Apple, Facebook, Walmart, Microsoft, and Amazon are rushing to adopt this trend.
- And you will get a clear idea of how this global phenomenon will change our world, our economy, and hundreds of aspects of our lives in the years ahead.
How can I be so sure?
Because it involves you, and millions of people like you…
The last time you were involved in something of this magnitude, it resulted in a $10 trillion wealth tsunami. But more importantly, it changed the world forever.
The Biggest Turf Takeover In History
On the cover of the December 25, 2006 edition of Time magazine was a surprise for every American.
It was the magazine's annual “Person of the Year” issue.
And below the headline was a shiny reflective surface in which you could see your own image.

That's right: You were Time magazine's Person of the Year in 2006.
To quote Time…
“For seizing the reins of the global media, for founding and framing the new digital democracy, for beating the pros at their own game, Time's Person of the Year for 2006 is you.“
Time summed it up perfectly, because “seizing the reins” was exactly what you did.
Americans from New York City to Los Angeles and everywhere in between invaded the turf of the powerful global media and beat them at their own game.
By contributing to the internet – writing blogs, posting videos, and recording podcasts – you and millions like you helped “decentralize” information.
And it launched a massive market revolution.
Shortly after that issue of Time hit the newsstands, a slew of tech stocks went on unprecedented runs as high as 9,485%, Here take a look…

And more…
Watch the full presentation here
And again, it was all thanks to you.
Whether you were using your iPhone to visit sites like Reddit, “liking” things on Facebook, buying and selling items on eBay, uploading videos on YouTube, or running your own small business on Amazon…
You were core to these companies' massive growth.
And all these companies relied on you to help make huge profits for themselves and their shareholders.
Your regular involvement helped in decentralizing information and contributed massively to a $10 trillion global enterprise.
‘Seizing the reins' of the internet was probably your biggest contribution to the global economy… until now.
A Bigger Coup, Three Times Bigger Than
The Internet, Is About To Erupt
The takeover I'm going to reveal today will decentralize one of the most powerful industries in the world and put an end to years of arm twisting by a powerful syndicate.

The shift has already started.

Until recently, everybody – myself included – was looking at individual aspects of this breakthrough and was missing the big picture.
A similar situation happened with the iPhone.
Before the iPhone, we all knew GPS, the internet, and MP3 players as individual technologies. But not until they were packaged in one easy-to-use device did we understand how massive the potential was.
Similarly, a different set of technologies have combined to form the breakthrough I'm about to reveal today.
You'll be shocked at how these technologies, which though not disruptive individually, could become the core of our future when clubbed together.

You'll look back in a few years and say, “Wow… I should have seen this coming!“
And you'll wish you'd invested more before the entire world caught on.
Just like most of you wish you bought Apple, Amazon, or Netflix at the same time I did.
Unfortunately, we can't go back in time.
But if you take action right now, you could be among the savvy early movers who are jumping onto this massive opportunity today.
Billionaire investors and leading businesses are pouring billions into this breakthrough – I'll show you the specifics in a minute.
Governments on the state and federal level are pumping billions into this technology…
New laws are being written, new bills are being passed, and massive tax cuts are being proposed to help roll out this inevitable phenomenon nationwide.
The best part is, this monumental disruption falls squarely into one of Wall Street's hottest sectors, estimated to have total assets worth $30 trillion by the end of this decade.
Business Insider says:

Larry Fink, head of BlackRock, the world's largest asset management firm, with more than $10 trillion in assets adds…

And perhaps Morgan Stanley sums it up best…

And if you want to take full advantage of this massive new trend, the sooner you get in, the better.
Which is why I'm rushing this presentation to you.
In the coming minutes, you'll learn how to best position yourself and your money to take advantage of this massive opportunity.
But there is one thing I want to make clear before we get started.
When I first reveal this breakthrough to you, your initial reaction might be…
“Wait, haven't I heard of this before?“
Some of you might even walk away from this presentation.
But that could be a ‘million-dollar mistake'.
You see, I'm sure 99.9% of Americans only know bits and pieces about this breakthrough.
When I explain what's happening and show you the big picture… you'll begin to understand why I say this is far bigger than the internet.
What most people didn't realize about the internet is that it wasn't the billionaires or their trillion-dollar companies that steered the ship…
It was YOU, and people like you across America.
Once entrepreneurs saw how quickly you took advantage of innovative technology, they realized all they needed to do was provide you with a platform, and you'd drive its success.
Sure enough, we saw the success of dozens of life-changing products and companies…
- Steve Jobs' iPhone
- Jeff Bezos' Amazon
- Jack Dorsey's Twitter
- Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook
- Sergey Brin and Larry Page's Google
- Travis Kalanick's Uber
- And more…
Millions of Americans used these platforms to grow their individual businesses – and their wealth.
Take Michele V., for example.
Watch the full presentation here
One day, this mother of two decided to sell unique gifts on Amazon.
In less than four years, she was doing nearly $12 million worth of business every year.
Before she knew it, the business had grown too big for her to handle.
In 2019, she sold her business for millions.
And she's not the only one…
Amazon has created so many millionaires that there are dozens of companies around the world whose job is to buy these Amazon businesses!
Of course, while using platforms like Amazon, eBay, and Facebook to conduct business is hugely successful…
There are others who made their millions by just investing anywhere between $1000 and $15,000 in these companies.
Granted, it took the better part of two decades to make those millions…
But the sheer number of Americans who became millionaires during that time is staggering.
In fact… since the time you were on the cover of Time magazine, the number of millionaires in the U.S. has more than doubled from 9 million to over 21 million.
If you think that's a massive leap, just wait.
The next wave of U.S. millionaires could come even faster.
And just as Gates, Jobs, Bezos, and other billionaires created the platforms needed for the massive wealth creation over the last two decades…
The biggest billionaire of all has laid out a master plan for the wealth-creating platform of the next two decades.
The World's Richest Man's
Master Plan Part III
Love him or hate him, Tesla founder Elon Musk is a genius.

Even Bill Gates, who famously shorted Tesla, has this to say:

Musk is reinventing the way we live.
With PayPal, he helped reinvent the way money is exchanged.
With Tesla, he reinvented the automobile…
With SpaceX, he reinvented the rocket. Thanks to his reusable rockets, NASA saves billions of dollars of taxpayer money… every year.
With The Boring Company, he's trying to reinvent the daily commute.
And with Neuralink, he's giving humans a chance to compete with advanced artificial intelligence.
But he's not done yet…
Elon Musk's Next Re-Invention
Could Directly Impact Businesses
Worth $85 Trillion
In August 2006, Elon Musk published his Master Plan Part I. In short, the plan boiled down to this:
- Build a sports car
- Use that money to build an affordable electric car
- Use that money to build an even more affordable electric car
- Provide zero-emission electric power generation options
In 2016, he followed it up with Master Plan Part II which in short goes this way:
- Create solar roofs with seamlessly integrated battery storage
- Expand the electric vehicle product line to address all major segments
- Develop a self-driving capability that is 10X safer than manual driving
- Enable your car to make money for you when you aren't using it
So far, he's delivered almost everything he promised in part I and II of his Master Plan.
And now he's about to unleash Part III.
In an interview with the Financial Times in April, Musk revealed it would involve three technologies.
Together, these three technologies form a unique system that I call S.W.a.B or “SWaB” for short.
In August this year, Musk said Masterplan 3 is all about scaling. By the time SWaB rolls out across the country, thousands if not millions of everyday Americans will likely use SWaB in ways nobody is even thinking about right now.
Just like they did with the internet.
So please, for the next few minutes, forget the technologies dominating today's headlines…
Forget cryptocurrencies, 5G, self-driving cars, the blockchain, quantum computing, virtual reality, A.I, and cloud computing.
Instead, focus on the one system that could become integral to every aspect of our lives moving forward…
Here's What You Need To Know
Can you imagine life without the internet?
In the same way, soon people may not be able to imagine life without SWaB.
What computers and the internet did to decentralize information; SWaB could do to decentralize the most basic of human needs.
SWaB brings together three existing technologies that you are already very familiar with.
Each of these technologies is synonymous with energy.
But when they come together as a system, it's not just about energy anymore.
It's about money… profits… and new business opportunities.
SWaB stands for Solar, Wind and Battery.
Remember I said you'll think you've heard about this before?
You're probably saying that right now. But I urge you to stay with me, and you'll quickly see why this is unlike anything you've ever seen before.
Because despite what it sounds like, It's not about just solar, or just wind, or just batteries.
I cannot stress this enough.
It's a whole new system. And it works in very precise algorithmic combinations.
I'll tell you about these combinations in a bit. But first, I want you to know that unlike solar energy and wind energy, SWaB promises 24-hour energy.
And unlike batteries, which are an expensive way to store energy, SWaB brings costs crashing down.
Right now, some Americans pay as much as 33 cents per kilowatt hour (“kWh”) for their electricity needs.
With SWaB, the price could be as low as 3 cents/kWh.

Imagine slashing your energy bills by more than 90%
It's all part of Musk's Masterplan III of “shifting the entire energy infrastructure of Earth.”
It's already happening in some areas.

It all started with one random tweet that helped completely change the dynamics for solar, wind and batteries forever…
The $172 Million Tweet
Back in 2017, South Australia (one of the four largest states in Australia) was reeling from a series of power outages.
Lyndon Rive, then head of Tesla's battery division, boasted in Financial Review that a 100-megawatt Tesla megapack could solve South Australia's problem in less than 100 days.
An Australian businessman, named Mike Cannon-Brookes, tweeted…

Always up for a challenge, Musk tweeted back the world's most audacious bet…

The tweet exchange set off a media frenzy, and soon, the Australian Prime Minister got involved.
Long story short, Tesla signed the agreement in September 2017 with an Australian energy company and… Sixty days later, the largest battery pack in the world was ready at a total cost of $172 million.
Beating the deadline by 40 days.
When the next outage happened, the SWaB system kicked into action in less than a quarter of a second.
Even better, it took just over two years for the system to recover the entire cost of construction and installation.
So, going forward, any energy generated by that plant is virtually free.
That's why SWaB is such a game changer.
Because as the success of the internet showed us… when things become virtually free, they become ubiquitous. Permanent. Global.
Watch the full presentation here
SWaB Is Here To Stay
Soon, other Australian states signed up for SWaB.
In Europe, SWaB systems are cropping up in Lithuania, Spain, Belgium, Ireland, the UK, and Germany.
In the U.S., PG&E, the largest utility company in America, partnered with Tesla to create the biggest SWaB system in the world south of San Francisco to power more than 130,000 homes.
The first phase of the system is already complete.
In April, Nevada launched a SWaB system near Las Vegas that generates enough renewable energy to power 60,000 homes.
And last September, Tesla sealed a massive deal – bigger than all the energy deals Tesla signed over the past two years – with a leading energy supplier.
But in spite of SWaB's massive successes, one important question remained… What happens in places where there is no sun or wind?
The image below should answer the question.

There's a fully functioning SWaB system in Alaska, just outside of Anchorage.
With its ability to provide grid stability, even in freezing temperatures, SWaB is shutting the doors for traditional energy suppliers.
Coal, gas, nuclear, and other conventional energy sources can no longer compete.
Especially as SWaB technology gains full support from the White House.
Executive Order 14008
(Section 207)
In January, President Biden issued an Executive Order that calls for an economy that relies on “SWaB” which could create millions of new jobs.

Section 207 of this Executive Order authorizes doubling of offshore wind production by 2030.
And Section 209 calls for the elimination of additional fossil fuel subsidies.
In June, Biden ordered emergency measures to boost crucial supplies to U.S. solar manufacturers.
In July the administration approved a two-year exemption on solar panel imports.
All told, a whopping $555 billion have been budgeted for “SWaB” initiatives.
With so much focus on solar, wind, and batteries, the change to 100% renewable energy is closer than we imagine.
According to a report by Tony Seba, a renowned Stanford economist, who's done an exhaustive analysis on SWaB…
The world could run on 100% renewable energy with SWaB by 2030.
Mr. Seba knows what he's talking about.
In 2010, when there was not a single mass-produced electric car in the US… he predicted that by 2020 the market would offer unsubsidized EVs in the 200-mile range cheaper than the average cost of gasoline cars in the USA.
He was right.
In 2014, when the cost of a lithium battery was over $500/KWh, he predicted that the cost would fall below $200/kWh by 2020.
He was right again.
And now he's on track to be proven right once more.
Take a look at the SWaB projects announced and commissioned across the U.S.

And it's not just the U.S.
More than 100 countries have started depending on SWaB for energy.
And many of them rely on SWaB for over 25% of their energy needs.

What The Internet Did To Information,
SWaB Will Do To Energy
In the same way that the internet made communication almost free…
SWaB will make energy almost free..
If you're skeptical, I don't blame you.
Before the internet came along, if I told you music, movies, newspapers, phone calls, and mail would be free, you wouldn't have believed me, either.
But that's exactly what disruption does.
It creates a paradigm shift. A shift that few can see coming.
With SWaB, every town in America could become energy independent…
They might even become energy profitable.
And just as people keep finding new ways to use the internet and benefit from it, SWaB will bring about new benefits in the months and years ahead.
For example, think about the problems facing us right now…
Inflation, war, unemployment… SWaB could help to stop them. And no, it's not just me saying this.

Though it's still in its early days, this disruption is already creating a tidal wave of investment…
- Apple is investing over $4.7 billion into SWaB
- Amazon is pouring billions into SWaB, including 274 projects across the world
- Tesla has already invested over $10 billion, with billions more in the pipeline
- Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway has invested $36 billion into SWaB and is planning to invest many more billions
- And Saudi Arabia, a country whose economy depends mostly on fossil fuels, is investing $80 billion into SWaB projects
In fact, Saudi Arabia wants to wean itself away from oil dependency and is relying heavily on SWaB.
The House of Saud, the richest energy family in the world with a net worth estimated to be greater than the 10 richest people in the world combined… is building a SWaB project that will deliver clean energy to 50 hotels, an international airport, and 1,300 residential properties.
Some of the biggest players in traditional energy too are quietly making a shift.
Shell Oil has committed $2 billion per year for Research &Development in SWaB.
PG&E, the biggest utility company in the U.S., is launching SWaB projects.
BP plans to cut 40% of its oil production and pour billions into SWaB.
Exxon, Chevron, and TotalEnergies are pouring billions to stay relevant in the SWaB era.
It's simple: There's more money in SwaB than most people can even imagine.
Already, many SwaB stocks are exploding, making smart investors rich.
Take a look:

Anyone who invested $5,000 had the chance to walk away with over $87,000 sometimes in less than 12 months.
Of course, these are some of the industry's big successes, and I'm not promising you'll see gains that big in such short time. But it shows you what could be possible.
Even lithium stocks which are indirectly involved with SWaB jumped over the past couple of years.

Enough to grow $5,000 into $124,000 in less than two years.
While lithium is critical for just one of the SWaB technologies, batteries…
There's one mineral that no one's paying much attention to, which is critical for all three SWaB technologies.
It's an investor's ‘pot of gold'.
Before I show you how savvy investors have made 20 times their investment in as little two years by investing in this mineral…
You need to know about the catalysts that are driving the SWaB revolution.
SWaB Catalyst #1
One of the three critical technologies in SWaB is solar.
While it's by no means a brand-new technology, solar was too expensive for widespread use.
Even as recently as 2009, solar was far more expensive than every other source of energy: natural gas, nuclear, wind, you name it…
But in the last decade, in a bid to “go green,” giant corporations like Google and Apple started shifting to solar.
Google even created a multimillion-dollar solar fund to help finance solar installations.
As more corporations joined in… the economies of scale kicked in.

And in less than a decade, solar has become the least expensive form of energy.
Between 2009 and 2019, solar prices crashed by a whopping 89%. Take a look…

Even the International Energy Agency – which has always been skeptical about widescale solar energy – agrees that solar is the cheapest.

But in spite of the falling prices… solar still had one major problem to overcome: It wasn't available at night.
And the high cost of battery storage nullified the falling price of solar power generation.
That's where SWaB comes in…
But before I get to that, let me tell you about the second technology in SWaB…
SWaB Catalyst #2
Like solar, wind energy is not a new technology. The first windmill to generate electricity was installed over 125 years ago.
But over the last two decades, wind turbines have gone through some huge development…
Taller towers
A decade ago, the average wind turbine in the U.S. was about 24 stories tall. Today, the tallest wind turbines reach up to 75 stories (more than three times taller).
Bigger rotors & blades
The largest rotors now span 720 feet and generate 45% more energy than before. Just one full spin of the blades can power an American home for two days.
Floating wind farms
In the ocean off of Martha's Vineyard in Massachusetts are a cluster of wind turbines that float on structures tethered to the seabed. Each turbine can generate enough electricity to power 6,000 U.S. homes for a year.
Falling costs.
Between 2009 and 2019, the price of wind energy dropped almost 70%. But just as solar is limited by nighttime, wind energy is limited by the fact that the wind doesn't always blow.
And the cost of storing wind power nullified the falling costs…
Until recently.
The whole equation has flipped on its head because of…
SWaB Catalyst #3
Since 2010, the cost of batteries has dropped by 87%.
And because of this massive price drop…
Battery storage for utilities has risen 10-fold in the past 6-7 years… Especially in the last three years.

As you can see, the growth since 2019 is almost vertical.
But here's where it gets really interesting.
You see, in spite of the massive increase in usage, it's still less than 1% of the battery storage that the U.S. needs.
In other words, we're at the absolute ground floor of this massive trend.
Over twenty years on Wall Street have shown me enough to know that these three catalysts are the start of something big.
This could be like investing in Amazon after it broadened its scope beyond just books.
In the first year after going public, Amazon was selling only books. So its growth was relatively slow.

But in the next 12 months, as it started selling other products beyond books, the share price took off.

Even if you missed out on the IPO, you could have still had the chance to make as much as 50,845% as Amazon completely took over the online retail space.
Or take Apple…
No one had a clue of what Apple's fate would be until Steve Jobs and his team started working on iPhone.
In the 23 years prior to that, Apple stock was mostly flat…

But as word that the company was working on a smartphone leaked out, it completely changed Apple's trajectory even before the iPhone was officially launched.

So even if you invested in Apple 23 years after its IPO, you could have still seen gains of 62,400%.
My point?
It doesn't matter how long you need to wait for the right moment.
In the case of Amazon, it was 12 months.
In the case of Apple, it was 23 years.
The important thing is getting in only after seeing enough to know that you're backing the right horse.
The same dynamics are setting up now in energy.
Until recently, no one realized solar and wind could deliver 24/7 energy at a cheaper price than traditional energy.
But that all changes with SWaB…
Inevitable Gains Ahead
According to current forecasts, the combined cost of solar, wind, and batteries will become an additional 70% cheaper over the next decade.
Solar prices are projected to drop another 72%…

Wind power is projected to drop another 43%…

And battery prices are expected to fall another 80%…

At that point, SWaB energy will become so inexpensive…
Everybody from individual families to large corporations will switch to SWaB for purely economic reasons. Not for green reasons, not for political reasons…but just for pure economic reasons.
I want to stress upon this. The shift will be mainly because energy from SWaB will be cheaper. Period.
In a few years or even months, it may soon make zero sense to invest in any other form of energy.
Of course, the traditional utilities companies will tell you that relying on wind and solar for 100% of your electric needs will cost tens of trillions of dollars…
That's because they are not factoring in SWaB.
So let me break it down for you…
The Most Important Tool In The Energy
Industry Going Forward
Earlier, I told you how Stanford economist Tony Seba and his team did an analysis to find out the real potential of SWaB.
The analysis was done in three different areas across America with completely different weather: California, Texas, and New England.

The analysts took real-world data from solar and wind power generation in these areas every hour, for an entire year.
Next, they built an algorithmic system called the Energy U curve to figure out the perfect balance between production and storage.
The objective of the Energy U curve was to reach the minimum cost for production and storage combined, to deliver round-the-clock electricity throughout the year.
According to the Energy U curve, it would cost California just $115 billion to set up a SWaB system for all of its electricity. It would cost Texas $197 billion. And all of New England could be 100% SWaB-powered for just $91 billion.
Installing 100% SWaB across all 50 states will cost less than $2 trillion over a 10-year period.

That's less than 1% of U.S. GDP over the next 10 years… for the entire country to be 100% powered by wind and solar energy.
And yes, the calculations didn't factor in things like solid state batteries, carbon credits, subsidies, etc.
Once all these factors are taken on board, it could make SWaB even more economical and feasible.
In fact, it is the closest to FREE electricity one can imagine.
But it gets even better…
How SWaB Could Put Money In
Your Pocket
The implications of almost FREE electricity are stunning. Consider the following…
- It could put as much as $2,500 back into the pockets of every American household every year.
- It will help accelerate the transition to EVs faster and help cut down millions of deaths from air pollution every year.
- It could bring an end to the monopoly of the energy cartels who set energy prices based on their operational costs.
- It could bring the manufacturing and production costs of almost every product down significantly.
- It has the potential to bring down the costs of providing clean water.
- It could lower the costs of recycling.
I've barely scratched the surface of the big benefits of SWaB. But there is no time to go through it all.
You and millions like you will take advantage of the abundance of energy, just as you did with the abundance of information… to literally create new wealth.
And just as we saw with the internet, early investors are set to make an absolute killing.
Which is why the world's richest man is investing billions into it…
Elon Musk's “Secret” Move Revealed
You might have read in the news that Elon Musk shifted the Tesla headquarters from California to Texas.
While the media thought this big move was done to avoid the high taxes and regulations in California…
What most people didn't know was that Musk was in fact laying the foundation of arguably the biggest business move of his career.
In August 2021, Musk quietly filed an application with Texas' Public Utility Commission for a new subsidiary called Tesla Energy Ventures.
Tesla has an energy storage facility 30 miles south of Houston operating under the name “Gambit”…

SEC filings confirm that Gambit is a subsidiary of Tesla. Once completed, it will be capable of storing more than 100 megawatts of energy.
That's enough to power 20,000 homes on a hot summer day.
This SWaB complex is already registered with the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (“ERCOT”), which oversees power to more than 26 million customers.
Until now, Tesla built SWaB complexes to help other companies generate, store, and consume energy.
Projects like…

Moss Landing, California

Hornsdale, Australia
Victoria, Australia
Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
And other SWaB complexes nearing completion in the UK, Dubai, Japan, and Hungary.
Tesla wasn't a retail provider in any of the above locations.
But what Musk plans to do in Texas is different.
The goal of Texas Energy Ventures is to become an official electricity retailer, and deal directly with customers.

If you're thinking this is very similar to how Jeff Bezos completely changed the game in retail… you're not far off the mark.
But Texas is just the beginning…
Tesla also has a deal with Hawaii to deploy one of the largest battery systems in the world to help make Hawaii 100% SWaB compliant.

This SWaB system is expected to save the island 1.6 million gallons of diesel fuel a year.
That's over $10 million saved every year at today's prices.
For larger states, the savings will likely be in the billions every year.
6541% Revenue Growth
Take a look at the chart below…

Today, Tesla's energy business is just a tiny fraction of its automotive business.
But not for long.
I think there is a lack of understanding or appreciation for the growth of Tesla Energy.
But Elon Musk knows how big it can be. According to him…

A senior executive at global research agency Wood Mackenzie confirms this:

At that rate, we are looking at revenue growth of 6,541% in less than 20 years.
That's unheard of.
We're talking about more than double the revenue growth percentage that Apple achieved in its 43 years of operation… combined.
The Best Way To Take Advantage Of Tesla's SWaB Business
By now, you probably expect me to tell you to go out and buy shares of Tesla.
But that's not the case.
Now, don't get me wrong.
I have nothing against Tesla or Musk.
But here's the thing.
Tesla is already a $950 billion company. Even if SWaB adds hundreds of billions of dollars to Tesla's bottom line, the upside potential just isn't big enough to change your life.
On the other hand, history has shown that if you're looking to maximize opportunities like this…
The real money is in finding smaller companies that will take advantage of these massive disruptions.
Let me show you what I mean…
Betting Small, Winning Big
In the early '80s, when personal computers were just beginning to take off, like SWaB is today…
IBM was a giant in the world of computers, with a market capitalization of close to $100 billion back then.
Meanwhile, a tiny company called Intel had yet to make its mark.
Over the next two decades, IBM early investors made gains as high as 873%.

That's nothing to scoff at.
But take a look at the returns that Intel early investors made in those same two decades…
A whopping 20,320% gain…

That massive difference is because IBM lacked one important factor that Intel had: massive future growth potential.
IBM, like Tesla today, was already a huge company. Its big growth was already behind it.
And though IBM would continue to grow, it would be impossible to do it at the same pace as the small and nimble Intel, which was cutting deals with the big players like Microsoft and IBM to provide their computers with silicon-based Pentium chips.
The Same Situation Is Playing Out Today
Just as computer need chips and chips need silicon…
SWaB relies on one key mineral.
The average wind turbine in the U.S., which generates around 3 megawatts of energy, requires 4.7 tons of this mineral.
To generate the same 3 megawatts of energy, solar panels require 15.5 tons of the mineral.
Together, electricity generated with SWaB requires 6 times more of this key mineral than your current electricity.
This mineral also plays a critical role in other rapidly growing technologies, like EVs, 5G, and the Internet of Things (“IoT”).
This is why forward-thinking billionaires like Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Ray Dalio, and Michael Bloomberg are investing heavily into finding better ways to mine this mineral.
According to Yahoo Finance… this mineral is as good as gold right now for investors.
Seeking Alpha says the enthusiasm among investors for this mineral is red hot.
Goldman Sachs urges, “Don't stop buying now.”
And Bank of America is advising its investors to load up.
According to BlackRock, the world's largest asset manager, the demand will keep going well into the 2030s.
And SWaB is driving the demand through the roof.
That's why many in the media – including Forbes and the Financial Post – are referring to this mineral as the “new gold.”
But because this is going to be one of the most important minerals in the world of technology and energy… I prefer to call it “Gold 2.0.”
Just like gold did back in the 1840s Gold Rush… this “Gold 2.0” is on the verge of creating massive gains for people who are positioned correctly.
But, of course, growing demand is only one half of the story.
The other half is supply.
For the last 30 years, supply has been keeping pace with demand. Take a look…

As demand kept increasing, investors in the companies that mine “Gold 2.0” made huge gains.
Those who invested in “Gold 2.0” companies could've made more than 20X gains in less than 7 years…
Enough to turn $5,000 into more than $120,000.

Another “Gold 2.0” stock recently saw similar gains but in a much shorter time frame.
I'm talking 20X gains in less than two years.

But all that could pale in comparison to what lies ahead for you.
The Biggest Investing Opportunity
Let’s look at a close up of that demand/supply chart… pay close attention to the red arrow – that shows when demand exceeded supply.

If you'd invested before the demand jumped over supply, you could have made 30 times your money over six years.

If you missed out, don't worry.
That small spurt in demand is nothing compared to what's coming…

As you can see, a few months from now… the demand of Gold 2.0 is expected to overwhelm the supply.

When demand slightly exceeded supply back in 2005, you've seen how you could've made 30 times your money…
Imagine what kinds of gains you'll see with the massive supply-demand imbalance that's coming.
The world will need 10 million more tons of “Gold 2.0” to meet demand.
That's more than all of the “Gold 2.0” mined in North and South America combined…
The world would likely need to invest an additional $100 billion in new mines just to keep up with demand.
And while I know Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos are investing heavily to find better alternatives to mine more of this mineral…
One little-known Canadian company has been quietly buying out strategic land in different continents. It's perfectly positioned RIGHT NOW to take advantage.
- The company's revenue is soaring,
- They are on track to increase output by 102% by 2023,
- They have an elite management team,
- They have one of the industry's lowest costs to produce “Gold 2.0,” and”
- They are a market leader.
Most importantly…
This Little Company
Has What Tesla Needs
This company is committed to mining in an efficient and environmentally sustainable manner.
Last year, when there was a short supply of a critical mineral required for batteries, Musk promised a “giant contract for a long period of time” to any company able to mine in an efficient and environmentally sustainable manner.
So, guess where Musk and all the other companies that rely on SWaB will turn to when the demand exceeds supply?
I'll give you all the details of this company, including its ticker symbol and what price to buy at, in a special report titled “Gold 2.0: Tap Into the Most Lucrative Vein of the SWaB Revolution.”

This exclusive report is not available on Amazon or in any bookstore.
It is currently only available to my dedicated readers.
In just a moment, I'm going to show how you can claim your copy.
In the past, people have paid $5,000 or more for my investment ideas.
And considering the profit potential, I'm sure my customers found it was well worth it.
Because of that and the tons of research that went into it, we could easily charge a few thousand dollars to access my brand-new report, “Gold 2.0: Tap Into the Most Lucrative Vein of the SWaB Revolution.”
But listen, there are two reasons why I want to get it into your hands for FREE today.
- At this stage of my life, money is not as important to me as leaving behind a legacy of helping as many average folks as possible build wealth so they can enjoy a comfortable retirement.
- SWaB is a perfect opportunity to showcase how I get timely research to my readers long before most of Wall Street even has a clue.
To claim your FREE copy, all I ask is that you take a risk-free trial of my monthly investment research advisory, Empire Stock Investor
In it, every month I share with my readers my absolute favorite stock idea that my team and I have researched in depth – one that we're convinced has big upside potential as well as downside protection.
I have a growing list of dedicated readers who use my research to stay on top of the market.
In just a moment, I'll show you the easiest and quickest way to get your name on that list.
But first, I want to make sure you get the absolute maximum in return for the time you spent with me today.
The thing is, if you're anything like me, I know you won't want to stop at just one stock.
This “Gold 2.0” stock is one of the best ideas I've ever found.
But just like SWaB, I've found other disruptive technologies that are breaking through right now…
One of them is the brand-new concept of “3D Internet.” Like SWaB, it's set to change life as you know it today…
Which is why I'm going to give you a special bonus report that could help you take full advantage of this breakthrough tech, as well.
The newest iteration of the internet is taking place right now.
It's a 3D version that's going to make all kinds of interactions possible… without ever leaving your home. Imagine…
- Visiting your doctor
- Sightseeing anywhere in the world
- Attending live events and concerts
- Going to the bank
- Hosting a family reunion
…without ever stepping out.
The possibilities are limitless.
The 3D Internet promises so many immersive and interactive experiences, it will be like the internet, but turbocharged.
No wonder Apple has invested $6.3 billion into this new tech, Facebook has invested more than $12 billion and counting, and Microsoft has added $70 billion to be at the leading edge of this new internet.
And as Big Tech goes all in, it's already creating massive opportunities for savvy investors.
My team and I have zeroed in on five ways to take advantage of this megatrend. In my new report called ” Five Ways to 10X Your Money from the 3D Internet,” I'll give you all the details…

Including the name of these recommendations, the ticker symbols, and my instructions on how to get in at the best possible price.
By now, you must be eager to know how you can get these two reports… and I'll let you know in exactly one minute.
But there is just one thing more… And you'll thank me for this.
As you are aware, 2022 has been a tough year for investors.
We've seen the end of the longest bull market in history…
Stocks plummeted…
We were hit with yet another variant of the coronavirus…
An unexpected, costly war triggered soaring energy and food prices…
And… inflation hit four-decade highs.
Americans on average are being forced to spend an extra $450 every month just to get by.
It hasn't been easy…
Which is why my team and I put our best efforts together to unearth what I called the perfect stock to combat inflation.
This obscure company is the biggest trendsetter in a new industry which the late Steve Jobs, the founder and former CEO of Apple, predicted would generate the biggest innovations of the 21st century.
In Jobs' own words, “a new era is beginning.”
Some of the biggest names in the world are quietly investing in this new technology.

- Bill Gates has invested $275 million.
- Cathie Wood, $359 million.
- Vanguard, $245 million.
- BlackRock, $136 million.
- Morgan Stanley, $121 million.
Andreas Halvorsen, who was featured in the top 10 of Forbes‘ highest-earning hedge fund managers, bought more shares of this small stock than he did of Amazon, Facebook, Tesla, and Microsoft combined.
One hedge fund invested over half a billion dollars.

Even Forbes recently wondered:

We released a special report about this inflation stock just a couple of months ago.
This report – which is not available for sale anywhere else – is titled: The $4 Inflation Stock That Can Change Your Life.
The response has been tremendous.
But I want every American to be able to take advantage of this “Perfect Inflation Stock” before the price goes over $4.
Which is why we are giving away this exclusive special report here as an additional bonus.
That's three reports in total (one special report, plus two bonus reports):

- Special Research Report: Gold 2.0: Tap Into the Most Lucrative Vein of the SWaB Revolution
- Bonus Report #1: Five Ways to 10X Your Money from the 3D Internet
- Bonus Report #2: The $4 Inflation Stock That Can Change Your Life
FREE copies of these reports are already being sent out to the dedicated readers who have opted in to get my research. I invite you to join them.
Most importantly…
I've Stopped Taking New Clients, But…. There's A Better Way
For nearly 20 years, I worked as a hedge fund manager in Manhattan.
My clients were some of the wealthiest people in the world (a handful were billionaires) who had access to the best Wall Street hedge funds.
But recently, I decided to allow people from all walks of life – teachers, doctors, lawyers, small business owners… retirees – to easily access my work.
So, I founded a company called Empire Financial Research.

I've recruited some of the best minds in the financial world and, to my knowledge, we've been one of the fastest-growing independent research firms in America during this time.
We will introduce you to opportunities you most likely won't hear about anywhere else.
We're an independent publisher of financial research – which means we don't own or trade the stocks we recommend.
The way we do business is by giving you great ideas and advice so you have the chance to achieve profitable investing results…
Ideas like SWaB… 3D Internet… the Perfect Inflation Stock… and many more…
As part of Empire Financial Research, you can access my best ideas at a fraction of what wealthy, sophisticated investors used to have to pay me as a hedge fund manager.
You don't have to pay the “2% of assets and 20% of profits” fees hedge funds typically charge.
You don't have to pay the $5,000 I used to charge for a single investing seminar.
Today, access to my best money-making ideas comes at a pittance – many tell me it's likely the best bargain on or off Wall Street. Some even question the logic in such a low price…
But the way I see it… whether I make thousands of dollars from a few clients (like I used to do in the past), or whether I make a few dollars from thousands of readers, it's all the same to me.
Actually, it's better, because this way I get to help more people achieve their investment goals.
How To Get Started Right Away
OK, so I've told you about three special reports so far that I want to send you right away:

These reports are the first things I'll send you when you start a no-risk trial subscription to my comprehensive investment research advisory called the Empire Stock Investor.
Once you're in, each month I'll show you our favorite new investment recommendation to buy… and update you on everything we've already recommended.
In other words, you'll always know exactly what to buy and what to sell. You'll have time to digest our research at the beginning of each month and know exactly how to execute our plan if you decide to follow our recommendations.
Listen, I'm not a value investor. I'm not a growth investor.
I'm a MAKE-MONEY investor.
In 2020, the average annualized gain (the results achieved by all of our recommendations, scaled to a one-year period) for Empire Stock Investor was 55.7%.
That's more than three times the gains you'd have gotten with the S&P 500 for the same period.
Plus, every day the markets are open, I'll send you my free daily e-mails – Empire Financial Daily and Whitney Tilson's Daily – that address the most important issues affecting you and your money.
My success in the investing world is only because my investing strategies are created around minimizing risks.
This is why folks almost always have very nice things to say about our work…

The research you'll be receiving is the same that goes to billionaire investors.
One of them, Joel Greenblatt, who manages $9 billion at Gotham Capital, said:

Another person on my e-mail list is John Petry, who manages about $1 billion. He said:

Of course, you've also got to understand that all investments carry risk. And our past performance and the high praise for my strategies are never to be taken as guarantees for future success.
Which is why my No. 1 investing mantra is: No matter what you invest in, never invest more than you can afford to lose.
That said, I truly believe my daily e-mail is the best place to find and exchange investing ideas in the world today – there's simply nothing else like it.
To sum up, by taking advantage of this offer today, you will receive:
- Special Research Report: Gold 2.0 Tap Into the Most Lucrative Vein of the SWaB Revolution
- Bonus Report #1: Five Ways to 10X Your Money from the 3D Internet
- Bonus Report #2: The $4 Inflation Stock That Can Change Your Life
- The next 12 months of Empire Stock Investor – I'll send you a new report on a new investment idea and any changes to our model portfolio on the first Wednesday of every month (12 issues in all).
- My Empire Financial Daily and Whitney Tilson's Daily e-mails… each day the markets are open. Soon, you'll be part of a small collection of like-minded folks, which includes some of the wealthiest investors in America.
- Plus, full access to all of my archived research reports and recommendations.

Limited Offer: 75% Discount
By now, you might be wondering how much all this research will cost you.
Well, that might be the best part.
Normally, our work costs $199 per year for individuals, but today you can get started with a trial subscription for more than 75% off… just $49 for the next full year.
That's right: less than 14 cents per day to get the same research that reaches the desks of some billionaires across the country.
Keep in mind: People have paid tens of thousands to access my investment ideas.
And it's worked for them.
Of course, you've also got to understand that in the world of investing, timing is everything.
And I believe now is the perfect time to get into SWaB.
Remember, with full backing by the Biden administration and the full involvement of the richest man in the world, SWaB is now moving faster than ever.
Before 2015, there wasn't a single full-fledged battery system to support SwaB anywhere in the world.
Fast forward to 2022… and there are more than 40 massive-scale battery systems…
And dozens more in the pipeline…
As a result, SWaB power generation is on a roll.

And here in the U.S., SWaB has just put another feather in its cap.

According to one governing website that highlights the future of states and localities…

My point is: The frenzy in this space has already begun in the private sector… I believe it will hit the public stock markets soon, too – and I want you to be there first.
Trust me, you're going to start seeing this idea everywhere… as word about “Gold 2.0” is beginning to get out.

And I want you to be at the forefront of the investment money that will be headed in the direction of the obscure company that is perfectly positioned to take the No. 1 market share in “Gold 2.0.”
If you want to capture the biggest gains in today's markets, you can't wait until SWaB breakthroughs appear on the covers of every newspaper and magazine.
By then, you'll likely have missed the biggest moves.
And unlike with Tesla, you don't have to invest much in this obscure stock to potentially reap tremendous gains.
In addition to SWaB, many of the investments mentioned in the other reports are extraordinarily cheap today, some as low as $4 – but they won't stay that way for long.
Every day you delay could be a day of missing out on some big gains.
And after the battering we've all endured so far this year, you don't want to miss out a single day of big gains.
I know you do not want to make a decision in haste that you might regret later…
So, to make it easy for you, my team and I have put together all the research you need to get started, in a low-priced way that is zero risk to you – and in a low-risk way.
You see, the trial subscription to Empire Stock Investor is backed by a 100% money back guarantee.

If after reviewing everything I send you you decide that our research is not for you, no problem – simply cancel your subscription online or over the phone in the next 30 days, and you'll get a full refund for your subscription fee.
If you do ask for a refund, you can still keep all the free reports. It's my way of thanking you for giving my newsletter a fair try.
Though to be perfectly honest, in 30 days I think you'll have more than recovered your money… and will be very unlikely to ask for a refund.
The only reason I designed that money back guarantee is to let you know this is a 100% no-risk deal. And if my research doesn't live up to what I'm promising, I don't want to keep your money.
You may have subscribed to an investment newsletter before, but I believe I'm going to be sharing ideas with you that are unlike anything you'll find anywhere else.
If you take action today, you'll have already gotten in well ahead of the curve…
And you'll be positioning yourself perfectly to make life-changing gains with just one stock.
To get instant access to everything I've described here, and to review this offer once more before submitting your order, click the “Order Now” button below, which takes you to our online order form.

Thank you for your time – I hope you are as excited about this development as I am… and I hope you take the steps to benefit from this incredible trend that's about to change our world and capture people's attention.
Again: To access everything I've described here in a matter of minutes, just click the “Order Now” button below, which will take you to our Secure Order Form.