John Boehner just hosted the American Cannabis Summit. Did you see it?
Attendees numbered in the hundreds of thousands.
Fox is giving the event news prominent coverage.
Forbes called the Summit “a watershed event.”
If you were one of the lucky ones who got to tune in live, you discovered…
- Exactly how much growth is still left in the U.S. cannabis industry (HINT: It’s huge)
- How one looming event could quickly turn it into a $100 billion (or $1 trillion) industry practically overnight
- The single reason major Wall Street players are still chomping at the bit to claim their piece of this new money
- And why YOU, the average American, are better positioned than most big corporations to grow rich off this “green gold rush” right now…
A huge audience saw all this and more when it went to air.
But if you couldn’t make it, you have a second chance…
A rebroadcast of this historic event is now available.
Sign up below to watch it now.
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Privacy Policy | How it WorksP.S. Make sure you stick around til near the end – John Boehner revealed a powerful cannabis investment opportunity attendees can take advantage of immediately.