Content By: St Paul Research
Tesla is hands down the hottest stock in the world right now.
In 2020, the stock rose over an incredible 720%… and it’s still going even higher this year.
One expert predicts the company is set to reach $2 trillion — nearly 3x its current value.
And Forbes writes “Tesla shows no signs of stopping.”
Despite that, one prominent investor is warning everyone who will listen: do NOT buy a single share of Tesla until you hear this.
Because it turns out, Elon’s main focus isn’t on Tesla…
Instead, Elon is putting his time into a small startup he’s quietly formed…
One that’s set to be far more transformative than Tesla, or anything he’s done before.
If he succeeds, over time Elon’s new company will…
- Help millions of Americans (including you) save a small fortune on their monthly bills…
- Put some of America’s most prominent companies into bankruptcy…
- And completely transform the global economy forever, to the tune of trillions of dollars.
Right now, you have the rare shot to stake your claim on the ground floor…
… BEFORE Elon’s new company becomes the next mania — just like Tesla did last year…
P.S. My firm was one of the first in the world to recommend Musk’s last company, Tesla, at just $5 in 2011…
Anyone who listened to us back then and was lucky enough to hold on has had the chance at 17,183% gains today… enough to turn every $10,000 into $1.7 million.
But if you missed out on Tesla, don’t worry…
Musk’s next opportunity could be far bigger. The gains to come could be extraordinary.